The Evolution of the Sales Funnel [CARTOON]

This cartoon was inspired after having read Nichole Kelly’s post, The Death of the Sales Funnel As We Know It, a few weeks ago. While she cleverly likened today’s sales process to a neural network, I still found it difficult to give up the idea of a funnel. So I went to the old drawing board and came up with a new use for my old funnel.

A customer’s path to conversion often entails several twists and turns and doubling back to pour over information.  For that reason, I have re-purposed my sales funnel, filled it with the batter of leads and poured it into a vat of hot oil… and voila! We have the Sales Funnel Cake!


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By Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson is the cartoonist behind where social media professionals can find thousands of cartoons. Want a custom cartoon? He does that too.  Keep up with Mark on his blog or Pinterest board.

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